Monday, March 19, 2012

Practical Details: The Village

The Village:
Castelnau de Montmiral is a small village with several shops: a baker, a patisserie, a pharmacy (which also sells soaps and perfumes made from locally gathered herbs and carries English newspapers) and an epicerie (delicatessen).

There is a new general store about 100 meters outside the village walls.

The village also has a doctor's surgery, a post office and a hairdresser.

There are two restaurants in the hotels on Place des Arcades: Les Arcades and Brasserie Hotel des Consuls. There are more restaurants a few kms away in the village of Puycelci, as well as in Cordes and Gaillac.

Markets: Castelnau has a market every Tuesday morning, with fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, cheese and meat. There is a much larger market in Gaillac on Fridays, Cordes on Saturdays and one in St. Antonin Noble Val on Sunday morning.

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